JCMT projects approved for observing in Semester 17A
Updated 01 December 2016

Project ID Principal Investigator Hrs WB FoP Title of Investigation (colour code: Target-of-Opportunity; daytime)
Hrs=hours approved; WB=weather band; FoP="friend" of the project (see below)
M17AP001 Pei-Ying Hsieh 6.2 2 Harriet Does the Molecular Streamer Feed the Galactic Center?
M17AP002 Yan Gong 23.0 4 Harriet Star formation triggered by a cloud-cloud collision in L1188
M17AP005 Yuanwei Wu 34.0 4 Mark Zoom in MYSOs in time domain with CH3OH lines
M17AP007 Sihan Jiao 16.0 2,3 Mark A Pilot SCUBA-2 Mapping for M31
M17AP008 Manda Banerji 21.5 2 Jan The SCUBA-2 Red Quasar Survey: . . . Quasars at the Peak Epoch of Galaxy Formation
M17AP012 Harriet Parsons 10.0 4 Harriet Polarization in G0.55-0.85
M17AP013 Alexandra Tetarenko 12.0 1,2,3 Harriet Constraining the Jet Properties of Transient X-ray Binaries
M17AP016 Giovanni Rosotti 24.0 3 Mark Proto-planetary disc masses at the end of their lifetime
M17AP019 Patrick Koch 20.0 1 Mark Dust Polarization Mapping toward Infrared Dark Clouds
M17AP020 Shiho Tsujimoto 32.0 3 Mark Detailed Study of the Proto-superbubble Candidate at l=-1.2deg
M17AP027 Peter Scicluna 50.0 2,3 Jan The Nearby Evolved Star Survey (NESS): . . .
M17AP029 Massimiliano De Pasquale 3.0 2 Mark IR observations of the exceptional host of GRB 130907A as . . .
M17AP033 Sheng-Li Qin 28.0 4 Jan Dense Gas Survey of Star-Forming Filaments in the Outer Galaxy
M17AP034 Junhyun Baek 40.0 4,5 Harriet The AGN Feedback in the Cluster Core: A Case Study of Two Non-Cool Core Clusters
M17AP041 Iain Coulson 20.0 3 Iain Comet chemistry differences; JFCs -vs- OCCs; HNC
M17AP046 Andy Pon 4.4 5 Harriet Substructure and CO Freezeout in a Quiescent IRDC Clump
M17AP048 Ivan Oteo 46.5 3 Jan The molecular gas of low-redshift submm galaxies
M17AP053 A-Ran Lyo 8.0 4 Iain Catching Binary Ejection in the Act
M17AP058 Brenda Matthews 110.0 4,5 Jan A search for the high density tracer HCN in optically thick gas disks with debris-disk tendencies
M17AP060 Hsi-An Pan 36.0 4 Harriet Shedding Light on the Role of Molecular Gas on Merger-Induced Star Formation
M17AP061 Chang Won Lee 21.4 2 Mark Dense Core Formation in Filamentary clouds
M17AP062 Ran Wang 33.2 2 Jan Star formation and environment of the quasars at z>6
M17AP063 Archana Soam 10.7 2 Per Probing the magnetic fields in the vicinity of a Very Low Luminosity Object
M17AP066 Yuichi Matsuda 52.0 1,2 Harriet SCUBA-2 mapping of HSC-selected galaxy clusters at z=4
M17AP067 Patrick Koch 19.1 1,2 Per Magnetic Field and Rotational Motion in Proto-circumstellar Disk Formation
M17AP070 Ashley Bemis 36.0 4 Mark Constraining the Relationship Between HCN(4-3) Luminosity and Dense Gas Mass . . .
M17AP073 Woojin Kwon 22.0 2 Per Magnetic Field Morphologies around Class 0 Young Stellar Objects
M17AP074 Geoffrey Bower 18.2 1,2 Iain Probing Magnetized Accretion Flow around Sgr A* on 1-40 pc scales and . . .
M17AP075 Angus Mok 14.0 5 Jan Extending the JINGLE RxA Sample in Key Areas - IFS and Dense Environments
M17AP079 Yiping Ao 34.0 2 Jan On the Gas Kinetic Temperature of the Galactic Center Clouds
M17AP081 Hideo Sagawa 63.0 5 Jan Spatial/Temporal Variations of Photochemistry and Dynamics of the Venus Middle Atmosphere
M17AP082 Yifei Jin 15.0 4 Harriet Studying the origin of star-forming galaxies with kinematically decoupled gas and stars
M17AP083 Jinyi Yang 12.0 3 Iain Dust emission in Luminous Quasars at z >~ 5
M17AP086 Shigehisa Takakuwa 5.0 3 Mark Nature of the Spiral Arms Connecting the Candidate Planet-Forming Disk HL Tau

Project ID Principal Investigator Hrs WB FoP Title of Investigation
Hrs=hours allocated; WB=weather band; FoP="friend" of the project (see below)
M16BH13A Len Cowie 56 1,2 Iain The Growth of the Most Massive Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes
M16BH23C Jonathan Williams 17 2,3 Iain Protostellar Variability at Submillimeter Wavelengths

"Friend of the Project" (FoP): Each project is assigned a "friend of the project" who is the first line of contact for assistance/advice/info

PF Per - - - - p.friberg @ eaobservatory.org

JGW Jan - - - - j .wouterloot @ eaobservatory.org

JTD Jessica - - j.dempsey @ eaobservatory.org

HALP Harriet - - h.parsons @ eaobservatory.org

MGR Mark - - - m.rawlings @ eaobservatory.org

IMC Iain - - - - i.coulson @ eaobservatory.org

9 Mark

3 Per

9 Jan

0 Jess

9 Harriet

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