Allocations 15B

Project ID P.I. Award Weather Rx Title of investigation FoP
hours Band
m15bi003 Tomoya Hirota 20 3 H Survey of the vibrationally excited H2O lines in nearby massive YSO… imc
m15bi004 Kazushi Sakamoto 2 1 H Dense & Warm Gas in a Starburst Merger imc
m15bi006 Ian Smail 30 1,2 S A SCUBA-2 survey of three z~1-1.5 clusters: catching cluster ellipt… halp
m15bi007 Damian Rumble 2 4 H Active star formation in W40 complex: how the most massive stars ar… jgw
m15bi009 fei li 7 4 A Dense gas tracers and their isotopes in nearby infrared bright gala… imc
m15bi010 Michal Michalowski 3 2 S A direct measurement of the dust destruction timescale in passive g… halp
m15bi012 Hannah Calcutt 8 3 H Characterising the emission of methyl formate in hot molecular cores jgw
m15bi013 Gwanjeong Kim 6 3 H Toward All Sky Survey of Outflow Activity in Very Low Luminosity Ob.. halp
m15bi016 Lulu Fan 12 3 S SCUBA-2 850 um observations of WISE-selected Hot,Dust-obscured Galaxie halp
m15bi019 Hsi-Wei Yen 24 2 H Signpost of Effective Magnetic Field: Probing Drift Velocity pf
m15bi021 Chuan-Peng Zhang 16 2 H H2D+ in Massive Infrared Quiet Cores pf
m15bi025 Alastair Edge 4 1,3 S Monitoring the extraordinarily inverted core of NGC5044 jgw
m15bi028 Eleni Kalfountzou 5 2 S Submillimeter emission in binary QSOs halp
m15bi036 Alexandra Tetarenko 12 1,2,3 S Constraining the Jet Properties of Transient X-ray Binaries jgw
m15bi038 Walter Gear 8 1 S The highest redshift clusters as a laboratory of galaxy and star fo. halp
m15bi041 A-Ran Lyo 30 3 S SCUBA-2 survey of New Debris Disks from WISE imc
m15bi042 Xue-Jian Jiang 27 4 H CCH 4-3 mapping of massive star forming regions using HARP jgw
m15bi046 Shih-Ping Lai 32 1 H The evolutionary status of prestellar cores : observations of H2D+ .. pf
m15bi047 Ciska Kemper 40 2,3 S,H The spatially resolved mass-loss history of nearby Asymptotic Giant.. jgw
m15bi048 Jae-Woo Kim 15 2 S Sub-mm mapping for a supercluster at z~0.91 with SCUBA-2 halp
m15bi051 Nial Tanvir 12 1,2,3 S SCUBA-2 ToO Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts imc
m15bi052 Stephen Serjeant 40 1 S The SCUBA-2 NEP Deep Survey: illuminating the galaxy main sequence imc
m15bi053 Tadayuki Kodama 88 2 S Deep submm imaging of dusty starbursts in proto-clusters at 2<z<6: . halp
m15bi055 Ran Wang 24 2 S Dust emission and environment of the most distant quasars halp
m15bi057 Hong Wu 60 5 A CO(2-1) Detection of HI-rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies jgw
m15bi058 Danielle Fenech 5 2,4,5 S Constraining clumping in the winds of Wolf-Rayet stars jgw
m15bi059 Mark Thompson 40 2,4 S,A Determining the nature of SASSy sources imc
m15bi060 Ting Xiao 30 4,5 A Pilot CO Follow-up of the MaNGA Survey with JCMT jtd
m15bi061 Tie Liu 35 4 S Dust properties of Planck cold clumps halp
m15bi063 Mark Thompson 12 3 H,A Confirming the first known isolated proto-brown dwarf jgw
m15bi064 Mark Thompson 10 1 S SCUBA-2 photometry of extreme debris disks discovered in the Hersch… jgw
m15bi067 qian jiao 40 5 S,A JCMT follow-up observe of HIghMass galaxies jtd
m15bi069 Chen Hao 15 3 H HCN(4-3) emission in the disk of M51 jgw
m15bi070 Scott Chapman 20 1,2 H [CII] in z~4.4 SMGs from the Herschel-red ALMA survey halp
m15bi082 Stephen Eales 26 2 S M31 – A Low Temperature Astrophysical Laboratory halp
m15bi083 Gregory Herczeg 6 3 S Accretion variability and the growth of protostars imc
m15bi090 Chian-Chou Chen 26 3 S Mapping starburst activity within and around HzRGs with SCUBA-2 halp
m15bi094 Yongjin Jeong 5 4 A Molecular Gas Content of Infant AGNs jgw
m15bi098 Keping Qiu 16 3 H Filaments, magnetic fields, and massive star formation jtd
m15bi099 Emily Drabek-Maunder 28 4,5 A Molecules from below the surface of icy outer moons imc
m15bi104 Oscar Morata 24 4 S,H Characterizing the properties of a sample of proto-brown dwarf cand.. imc
m15bi105 Ping Zhou 15 3 A Spatially resolved study of CR-induced ionization in a molecular co… jtd
m15bi109 Erik Rosolowsky 3 3 H CO Excitation Across a Spiral Arm jtd
m15bi111 Alastair Edge 33 4 S Extending the SCUBA-2 Cluster Snapshot Survey to z>0.5 imc
m15bi112 Yu Gao 45 4 A HCN (3-2) mapping along the major axes of nearby IR-bright galaxies.. imc
m15bi113 Junhyun Baek 8 3 A Probing Cold Gas Content of the Central Galaxies in Cool-Core and N.. jgw
m15bi114 Scott Chapman 8 2 S Feedback in action: the CO-rich galaxy at the centre of the cool co.. imc
m15bi116 Yi-Jehng Kuan 33 2,3,4,5 S,H,A Monitoring comet 67P imc
m15bi119 Dimitris Stamatellos 12 2 S The role of environment in brown dwarf formation halp
m15bi122 Sebastian Oliver 50 2,3 S An efficient survey of obscured star formation in the high redshift… halp
m15bi123 Hideo Sagawa daytime 1,2,3 H,A Spatial/Temporal Variation in Venus’ Nightside Atmospheric Dynamics… imc
m15bi124 Samira Snaid 44 4,5 H,A Mass loss rates and 12C/13C ratio in evolved stars jgw
m15bi126 Li Xiao 9 4 S,H Dust and gas properties in the shocked molecular clumps of IC 443 jgw
m15bi128 Erik Rosolowsky 20 5 A Understanding the Origins of Dense Star Forming Gas halp
m15bi129 Angus Mok 19 4 A Expanding the JCMT NGLS: Verifying CO(3-2) Detections and Determini.. jtd
m15bi133 Scott Chapman 10 2 S . . . the Baryonic Structure Survey fields: the HS1549 protocluster field. jgw
m15bi136 Juan Li 20 1 H Cold, Quiescent Dense Gas in the Central Region of Orion B9 jgw
m15bi139 Thomas Greve 23 1,2 S Tracing large-scale structure growth with SCUBA-2 halp
m15bi140 Prof. Glenn White 10 5 H The dynamics of the massive star-forming regions in M17: imc
m15bh03b Lennox Cowie 56 2 S A submillimeter survey of the GOODS/CANDELS/Chandra deep fields imc
m15bh12a Li-Yen Hsu 84 1,2 S Characterizing Faint Submillimeter Galaxies with Cluster Lensing imc
m15bh24b Dave Sanders 35 2 S A Submillimeter-Bright z > 2 Protocluster in the SHELA/HETDEX Field imc


FoPs halp Harriet Parsons h.parsons @
jtd Jessica Dempsey j.dempsey @
jgw Jan Wouterloot j.wouterloot @
pf Per Friberg p.friberg @
imc Iain Coulson i.coulson @


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