It is noted that prior to all technical workshops participants are asked to install the Starlink software, and any required ahead of time. Participants must check their install of that starlink software before the tutorial and see the Starlink support mailing list for questions/concerns (also you can email
March 2023 – Workshop: for the LLAMA community
- March 2nd 2023 – Observing with the JCMT I) capabilities and operational model pdf & video
- March 3rd 2023 – Observing with the JCMT II) how to submit a proposals pdf & video
- March 13th 2023 – Observing with the JCMT – open door proposal question session
December 2020 – Workshop: Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia
February 2018 – JCMT Users workshop
On February 2nd JCMT staff will provide a JCMT Users workshop covering a range of topics for interested astronomers in Seoul, South Korea. This workshop will be given as part of the JCMT 2018 Users Meeting. The topics covered are as follows for the morning session:
- 9:00am – Workshop and Telescope Introduction
- 9:30am – Data Reduction Methods I
- 10:30am – Coffee break
- 10.45am – Data Analysis with Starlink
- 11:45am – CANFAR as a tool for astronomers
- 12:30 – Lunch
- 1:30pm – Data Reduction Methods II
- 3:00pm – JCMTOT
- 3:30pm Coffee
- 4:00pm – Scripting Starlink with Python (using jupyter)
- 5:00pm – Archive
Many of these sections have associated tutorials we will work through: these are available at
the tutorials section of this website
Prior to the meeting we ask all participants to download the following data required for the workshops:
In addition if you are interested in the Python wrapper, there are two Starlink and Python jupyter notebook examples you can download at.
- starlink-pywrapper introduction and overview notebook
- Python version of the Starlink Analysis tutorial
These can be viewed online at: The Starlink python wrapper can be installed with pip as: pip install starlink-pywrapper.
It requires a normal Starlink Software Suite to be available on the computer you are using.
February 2017 – JCMT Users workshop
On February 15th JCMT staff provided a JCMT Users workshop covering a range of topics for interested astronomers in Nanjing, China. This workshop will be given as part of the JCMT Users Meeting. The topics covered will include:
- JCMT Observing Tool tips and tricks
- This will cover the JCMT OT tricks tutorial.
- To complete this tutorial, you will need to install the JCMT OT if you do not have it already.
- If you have not used the OT before, please take a look at the JCMT OT basics tutorial first. This tutorial also includes brief installation instructions.
- Heterodyne Calibration
- This does not have an associated tutorial.
- This discusses various concepts to consider for heterodyne calibration, and includes example Starlink commands to apply those calibrations to your data.
- This does not cover the basics of heterodyne observing with the JCMT. If needed, the heterodyne DR slides and tutorials from the October 2016 workshop (listed below) could be reviewed before hand.
- SCUBA-2 – Calibration & Contamination (What’s in the dust?)
- This will cover SCUBA-2 tutorial 5
- Please ensure you have downloaded the appropriate SCUBA-2 and HARP data
- POL-2 – Polarimetry & Data Reduction at the JCMT
- This will cover the introductory POL-2 DR tutorial 1
- Please ensure you have downloaded the appropriate (large!) dataset(s), as detailed in the tutorial
Attendees are asked ahead of time to download the particular tutorial data-sets, and are advised to run the Heterodyne tutorial 1 and SCUBA-2 tutorial 1 prior to the meeting. For further information on all the JCMT tutorials available see the tutorials page.
December 8th 2016 – Maunakea Operations and Engineering Workshop
October 2016 – JCMT DR workshop
In October JCMT staff provided a JCMT Heterodyne and SCUBA-2 workshop for interested astronomers in Shanghai, China. All participants were asked – in addition to the instructions above – to download all the datasets for the tutorial. This workshop was given alongside the JINGLE and MALATANG Large Program meetings.
August 2016 – JCMT DR workshop
In August 2016 JCMT staff provided a workshop on JCMT heterodyne data reduction for students of the TIARA Summer School on Radio Astronomy. The workshop focused on reducing heterodyne data (see tutorials 5 and 6). The slides given in this workshop are provided here:
April 2016 – JCMT DR workshop
In April 2016 the JCMT staff provided a workshop in Japan for JCMT alongside the 2016 JCMT Users Meeting. The presentations given during the workshops can be found here:
- Introduction to Starlink
- Heterodyne Data Reduction
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction
- SCUBA-2 Calibration (FCFs)
- Advanced topics (including JSA, matched filters, external masks)
March 2016 – JCMT Instrument Panel workshop
In March 2016 the JCMT hosted an Instrument Panel workshop at ASIAA. The aim of the meeting was to share the instrument capabilities and interests of their regional institutes and discuss the future instrument options for the JCMT. Slides from the talks can be found here.
January 2015 – JCMT DR workshop
In January 2015 the JCMT staff provided workshops in Japan, Taiwan and China for JCMT users. There were over 200 participants at these workshops from all EAO member countries. Slides from each talk given at the workshops can be found here.