There are now a number of tutorials offered for new users of the JCMT.
General Data Reduction Tutorials
- JCMT data reduction: pipelines, recipes and parameters – Introduction to the Wesley, ORAC-DR and PICARD pipelines, how to select data reduction recipes and customize your reduction via parameter files.
SCUBA-2 Tutorials
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 – Simple reduction of a SCUBA-2 dataset using the ORAC-DR pipeline software using different data reduction recipes; an introduction to basic Gaia use.
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 2 – Modification of the behavior of standard reduction recipes using a recpars (Recipe Parameters) file, standard imaging of a SCUBA-2 dataset using the makemap command and manual modification of the process by specifying a different dimmconfig file.
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 3 – Creation and use of an external mask with a simple SCUBA-2 dataset. This is usually used to help recover/improve large scale structure and decrease the negative bowling in large Pong maps.
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 4 – Use and modification of PICARD matched filters for point source detection in an already-reduced map.
- SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 5 – Investigating the contamination in the 850-micron bandpass from CO molecular line emission. This advanced tutorial will reduce and use both SCUBA-2 and HARP data.
POL-2 Tutorial
- POL-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 – Simple reduction of a SCUBA-2 dataset using the SMURF pol2map command; an introduction to basic Gaia polarimetry toolbox use.
Heterodyne Tutorials
- Heterodyne Instrument Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 – Simple reduction and analysis of heterodyne datasets using the ORAC-DR pipeline software.
- Heterodyne Instrument Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 2 – building on the basic/simple Data Reduction and Analysis tutorial. Modification of the behavior of standard reduction recipes using a recpars.
JCMT Observing Tool Tutorials
- General JCMT Observing Tool tutorial (2023 version) — Introduction to the OT, how to organize programs and use the built-in validator.
- JCMT Observing Tool basics tutorial (2020 version) — Installation of the OT, creation of a simple program and visualization with the position editor.
- JCMT Observing tool tricks tutorial (2020 version) — Inheritance, folders, survey containers and understanding of validation results.
Analysis Tutorials and HowTos
Analysis with Starlink tutorial – looking at some of the many analysis tools within Starlink
Analysis How-Tos: these are short tutorials also available as jupyter notebooks from here, and data available from here
- Masking Cubes based on peak SNR
- Calculating SCUBA-2 fluxes
- Estimating Excitation Temperatures from 12CO
- Clumpfinding
Python & Starlink Jupyter notebooks:
Datasets for Tutorials
- Dataset for JCMT data reduction: pipelines, recipes and parameters (Filesize: ~260 MB)
- Dataset for SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorials 1 – 3 & 5 (Filesize: ~650 MB)
- Dataset for SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 4 (Filesize: ~31 MB)
- Dataset for POL-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 (raw data only) (Filesize: ~2.9 GB) and dataset for POL-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 (reduced data only) (Filesize: ~276 MB)
- Dataset for Heterodyne Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 1 also required for SCUBA-2 Data Reduction/Analysis Tutorial 5 (Filesize: ~77 MB)
- Dataset for Example Heterodyne Data Cube Analysis Script (see below) (Filesize: ~125 MB)
- Example files for General JCMT Observing Tool tutorial (Filesize: ~21 MB)
- Example files for JCMT Observing Tool basics tutorial
- Example files for JCMT Observing Tool tricks tutorial
- Starlink Analysis tutorials (Python and non python)
- Analysis How Tos
Additional Training Materials
- Getting started with Starlink: A two-page cheat-sheet is available here.
- Example commands used for analysing heterodyne cubes: A shell script using the example data given above is available here.
Note: The intention of this script is that the user will read the comments in that file and try the commands in a directory where the example data have been unzipped. This is not exactly a tutorial, but rather a source of additional hints.
- For users new to computing we recommend reading the “Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing” Wilson et al. 2016.