Change to the default IP model used by pol2map

As of SMURF version 1.7.0, the default Instrumental Polarisation (IP) model used by the pol2map command   has changed from “JAN2018” to “AUG2019”. Thus, if you do not assign a value to the “ipmodel” configuration parameter when running pol2map, the AUG2019 model will now be used rather than the JAN2018 model. If you wish to continue using the JAN2018 model, you must add “ipmodel=JAN2018” to the configuration used when pol2map is run. For instance:

% pol2map config='ipmodel=JAN2018'

See the blog post “New IP models for POL2 data” for more information about these IP models. Compared to the JAN2018 model, the AUG2019 model significantly improves the consistency between 450 um maps taken at different elevations. At 850 um, the differences between the two models are generally lower than the noise.

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