The East Asian Observatory invites JCMT observing proposals with Principal Investigators (PIs) affiliated with a South Korean institution only for a special 19B Supplementary Call for Proposals. Proposal submission is via the JCMT proposal handling system, Hedwig. For full details, and for proposal submission, please see here.
The proposal submission deadline for this Special 19B Supplementary Call for Proposals is July 8th, 2019.
This Call is using a new “Rapid Turnaround”-style peer-review format, in which all proposals submitted for this Call shall be peer-reviewed by the proposal creator (or designated co-author) of other proposals also submitted for this Call.
The proposal peer-review deadline for this Call is July 22nd, 2019.
If this is your first time using Hedwig, you should ‘Log in’ and generate an account. There is a Hedwig ‘Help’ facility at the upper right corner of each page, and individual Help tags in many other places.
Please contact us at if you have remaining questions.
– 20190215