KAPPA/POL2MAP bug causes incorrect variances and error values

A bug was introduced into the cmult and cdiv commands in the Starlink KAPPA package on 21st May 2021. This bug caused incorrect Variance values to be stored in the output and was fixed on 12th July 2021. Consequently, anyone who uses these commands and who last rsynced the nightly Starlink build from EAO between these dates should consider rsyncing the current nightly build, which includes the bug fix.

POL2 users should be aware that the cmult command is used within the pol2map script when converting values from pW to mJy/beam. This means that vector catalogues produced by pol2map will contain incorrect DI/DQ/DU values if starlink was rsynced between the two dates mentioned above.  Again, the solution is to rsync the current nightly build, which includes the bug fix.

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