JCMT Proposal Collaboration rules

The East Asian Observatory strongly encourages collaborations, particulary between participating EAO regions and JCMT partner countries. The P.I. eligibility for JCMT proposals is given here.

JCMT operates flexible scheduling. Given particular weather conditions and source availability, projects are selected for observing primarily on the basis of their TAC-assigned scientific priority.

The TAC will rank projects and award time based on scientific merit, with the aim that a minimum number of hours should be awarded to P.I.s from each region in proportion to their contributions to the JCMT operational budget. Any remaining additional observing time will be allocated to programs that have been determined to offer the best science as determined by the Time Allocation Committee. In this way, regional partners may obtain more time than their minimum allocation, if their science programs are good.


If a project has participating co-investigators from more than one region, then time will be accounted to each investigator’s regional affiliation as follows:

If there is only a sole Principal Investigator (and no co-investigators):

100% of the requested time will be apportioned to the Principal Investigator’s regional affiliation.

If there are co-Investigators on the proposal:

50% of the requested time will be apportioned to the Principal Investigator’s regional affiliation.

The remaining 50% will be apportioned to the co-Investigator’s regional affiliations, based on:

1) The number of investigators from that region

2) Weighted by the relative fraction of that regions contribution to the JCMT operational budget.

3) Unaffiliated (international) co-I’s will be assigned to the regional affiliation of the Principal Investigator.


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