SCUBA-2 Integration Time Calculator

The SCUBA-2 Integration Time Calculator (ITC) – is web-based tool for calculating required integration times for SCUBA-2 observations. The Integration Time Calculator can be accessed via the following links:

  • Time required for target RMS
    • In this mode you can enter your desired sensitivity (1σ RMS in mJy/beam) and the wavelength. The calculator will estimate the time required to reach this sensitivity and will also show the sensitivity which would be reached in this time at SCUBA-2’s other wavelength.
  • RMS expected in given time
    • In this mode you can enter the total observing time in hours. The calculator will estimate the sensitivity which would be achieved in each of SCUBA-2’s wavelengths.

The help for the SCUBA-2 Integration time calculator can be found here.

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